Membership 2020/21
Director: Linley Lambert
We welcomed five new members into our club this year.
Tyler and Steph Nicholls were inducted on the 13th July 2020.
Tyler’s mentor is Linley Lambert and Steph’s mentor is Lynne Strudwicke.
Chris Faassen was inducted on the 19th October and his mentor is Rowan Lambert.
Pat Schraven transferred to our club in November and is currently the District Governor Elect.
Cindia Murphy was inducted on 8th March 2021 and her mentor is Tracey Scott.

Membership Director Linley Lambert, President Rob Miller, Tyler Nicholls & Steph Nicholls

President Rob Miller, Membership Director Linley Lambert, and Chris Faassen
Pat has been an enthusiastic member since transferring to our club and we wish her all the best as she visits the Rotary clubs in our district in her role as District Governor for the 2021/22 year.
We hope to still see her at our club whenever she is back in town and look forward to regular updates on her visits and the upcoming District Conference in March 2022.
Stephanie and Tyler slotted straight into our club with Steph taking on the position of bulletin editor and Tyler helping out with the Change Over dinner and then the organisation and running of our Melbourne Cup night. Both girls have put their hand up to be on the board for this coming year with Steph taking on the secretary role and Tyler the director of our International Committee.

Incoming District Governor Pat Schraven
Regrettably we had some resignations this year, Sarah Campbell and Chris Pain left earlier in the Rotary year with them both finding it hard to regularly attend our meetings.
Unfortunately, we also had the resignation in April of Paula Bauer who has been a very hard worker for our club especially with the market and the BBQ.
Paula hopes to occasionally help out at the market and we look forward to catching up with her there.
We wish them all the best.